
2017-05-13 14:02:10 作者:渣尔杜姆 来源: 风暴大厅 0人参与







VoiceOver/DVaBase/Pissed00=嗯?我就是D.Va! /// Yes? This is D.Va!

VoiceOver/DVaBase/Pissed01=哦,原来是我的粉丝。(with a wink)最爱我的粉丝们了。<laugh><sigh> /// Oh, a fan, huh? (with a wink) Oh, well who can blame you? <laugh> <sigh>

VoiceOver/DVaBase/Pissed02=<SFX: Click sound>哎呀!<SFX: self-distruct starting then cancelled> 别乱点了!这东西会自爆的! /// <SFX: Click sound> Uh oh! <SFX: self-distruct starting then cancelled>There... Watch where you're clicking! This thing self-destructs!

VoiceOver/DVaBase/Pissed03=大家好呀!谢谢你们的爱和支持!卖个萌! /// Quick shout out to my fans! Thanks for all the love and support! Winky face!

VoiceOver/DVaBase/Pissed04=脸上画的胡须?不,不,那个叫盛装! /// Makeup whiskers? Nuh-uh. This is warpaint!

VoiceOver/DVaBase/Pissed05=如果你看见别人拿了MVP,那肯定是系统出问题了。D.Va一直都是最强坦克! /// If you ever see anyone else get MVP, that's just the system being broken. D.Va #1 Tank KR!

VoiceOver/DVaBase/Pissed06=嗯?这游戏是不是和《风暴拳皇2》一样?因为我一直都是玩加尔鲁什的! /// Oh? Is this like Fighters of the Storm 2? Because I used to main Garrosh!

VoiceOver/DVaBase/Pissed07=哦,顺便说明一下,虽然我一直说“这太IMBA了”。但这招真的不Imba……别改好吗? /// Oh, by the way... (whispered secret) I know I say "Nerf this" a lot. PLEASE don't ACTUALLY nerf this... okay?

VoiceOver/DVaBase/Pissed08=有人在聊天频道向我提问“你引爆的那些机甲是哪里来的?”这个问题问的好<beat>我也不知道!(cute)但是谢谢你的问题。 /// Oh, okay? (excited)Question from the chat! "Where do all the mecha you detonate come from?" Great question, CrypticSpoon! <beat> No idea! (cute)But thanks for asking!

VoiceOver/DVaBase/Pissed09=<SFX: empty bag rustling>又吃完了?等这场打完我得多买点儿!呣呣呣呣呣呣。 /// <SFX: empty bag rustling> Crumbs?! Gotta grab more gamer fuel after the match! Nomnomnomnomnom.

VoiceOver/DVaBase/Pissed10=我听说卢西奥今晚会在乔伊雷登场。(realizing)希望他们能让我进去…… /// I heard Lcio's playing a set at Joeyray's tonight. (realizing)I hope they let me in...

VoiceOver/DVaBase/Pissed11=啊,那谁……没意义的左键点击是不算在APM里的,你知道吗? /// Uh, guys... wasting left-clicks doesn't count as raising your APM, you know.

VoiceOver/DVaBase/Pissed12=嘿!我的防御矩阵按钮又卡住了!啊,难道我的工程师没打补丁吗? /// Hey! My defense matrix button is stuck again! Uh, didn't my engineers just patch this?

VoiceOver/DVaBase/Pissed13=我刚刚碰到了那个老奶奶。她叫……希尔……希尔维亚什么的。她老说“我没时间玩游戏”。真是没劲! <laugh> /// I met this old lady earlier... Slyv--sylvia? I dunno, something like that. She kept saying she had "no time for games." How boring! <laugh>

VoiceOver/DVaBase/Pissed14=啊,有人在吗,我们能快点打完吗?明天我要考试……如果我没考到100分,那我就怪你! /// Could we wrap this up? I've got a big test tomorrow... and If I get anything less than 100% I'm blaming you!

VoiceOver/DVaBase/IntroQuestion_Famous00=哇,看看是谁来看我的直播了!独家直播! /// Check out who's guesting on my stream! D.Va exclusive!

VoiceOver/DVaBase/IntroQuestion_Kerrigan00=대박! 凯瑞甘!?!真的凯瑞甘吗?!我是你的超级粉丝! /// 대박! Kerrigan!?! You're real? I am such a huge fan!

VoiceOver/DVaBase/IntroQuestion_Lucio00=是卢西奥!我最喜欢的国际DJ最近怎么样? /// Lcio! How's my favorite international D.J.?

VoiceOver/DVaBase/IntroQuestion_Murky00=我的天哪,快让我捏一下! /// OMG. You'd make a great plushie!

VoiceOver/DVaBase/IntroQuestion_Overwatch00=瞧瞧这是谁来了。我就知道你很能打! /// Look who it is. I know you're good in a fight!

VoiceOver/DVaBase/IntroQuestion_SiegeTank00=你说那玩意儿是坦克?我让你瞧瞧真正的坦克是什么样的。 /// You call that a tank? Let me show you what a tank can do.

VoiceOver/DVaBase/IntroQuestion_Starcraft00=不会吧……你是……《星际争霸》里的?太不可思议了吧! /// No way... are--are you from StarCraft? This is so crazy!

VoiceOver/DVaBase/IntroQuestion_Tracer00=“猎空”?你也来了? /// Tracer? You're here too?

VoiceOver/DVaBase/IntroResponse_Alarak00=<scoff>坏蛋! /// <scoff> So salty!

VoiceOver/DVaBase/IntroResponse_Angry00=你是要向我挑衅吗?那你得再加把劲! /// Are you trying to rattle me? You'll have to do better than that!

VoiceOver/DVaBase/IntroResponse_Dismiss00=不好意思,我的语音聊天被静音了。你说什么了吗? /// (embaressed)Sorry, my voice chat was muted. Did you say something?

VoiceOver/DVaBase/IntroResponse_Ignore00=D.Va爱你哦!才怪咧! /// /ignore! Love, D.Va!

VoiceOver/DVaBase/IntroResponse_Kerrigan00=哈哈,没错!异虫一波带走! /// Aww yeah! Zerg rush!

VoiceOver/DVaBase/IntroResponse_Lucio00=立体声环绕?3D音效才给力好吗!差劲! /// Stereo? You gotta have true 3D sound to be competitive! Duh!

VoiceOver/DVaBase/IntroResponse_Mechanic00=嘿!不许动! /// Hey! Hands off!

VoiceOver/DVaBase/IntroResponse_Murky00=머키? 완전 귀여워! (是奔波尔霸!好可爱啊!) /// 머키? 완전 귀여워! (Murky! Too cute!)

VoiceOver/DVaBase/IntroResponse_Negative00=哦,好极了。看样子我们需要有人carry了。 /// Oh, great. Looks like we've got a carry.

VoiceOver/DVaBase/IntroResponse_Overwatch00=<laugh>我们不可能输的。 /// <laugh> No way we can lose.

VoiceOver/DVaBase/IntroResponse_Plug00=那就给我点赞再关注! /// Like, Follow, Subscribe!

VoiceOver/DVaBase/IntroResponse_Positive00=看见你们总是很高兴! /// Always glad to have you around!

VoiceOver/DVaBase/IntroResponse_Starcraft00=肯定不会有人相信我居然见到了《星际争霸》里的人……(coming up with the idea)我们能来张自拍吗? /// No one's going to believe I met someone from Starcraft... (coming up with the idea)Can we take a selfie!?

VoiceOver/DVaBase/KillBlizzard00=暴雪经典游戏?哈哈......暴雪老掉牙游戏吧! /// Blizzard classic? Haha... Blizzard Ancient!

VoiceOver/DVaBase/KillHearthstone00=很高兴见到你!<giggle> /// Well met! <giggle>

VoiceOver/DVaBase/KillLucio00=你的演出结束了,卢西奥! /// Your set's finished, Lcio!

VoiceOver/DVaBase/KillNova00=你就是头号杀手?呵呵…… /// Number one player-killer? Ooookay...

VoiceOver/DVaBase/KillOverwatch00=GG, 打得不错! /// GG, well played!

VoiceOver/DVaBase/KillProtoss00=星灵……太硬霸了! /// Protoss... so OP!

VoiceOver/DVaBase/KillScourge00=僵尸?真是老掉牙。 /// Zombies? So turn of the century.

VoiceOver/DVaBase/KillTerran00=人类……太硬霸了! /// Terran... so OP!

VoiceOver/DVaBase/KillTracer00=哦哦!太慢了,“猎空”! /// Uh oh! Too slow, Tracer!

VoiceOver/DVaBase/KillWeird00=이 게임, 좀 이상해. (这游戏真奇怪。) /// 이 게임, 좀 이상해. (This game is weird.)

VoiceOver/DVaBase/KillZarya00=来自……D.va的……爱 /// To Russia, with love... D.Va.

VoiceOver/DVaBase/KillZerg00=异虫……太硬霸了! /// Zerg... so OP!

VoiceOver/DVaBase/KillZuljin00=垃圾巨魔。 /// Failtroll.


VoiceOver/AzmodanAzmodunk/KillButcher00=滚回小联盟去吧。 /// Back to the minor leagues...

VoiceOver/AzmodanBase/KillButcher00=屠夫……被屠。 /// Butcher... Butchered.

VoiceOver/Kerrigan/IntroResponse_DVa00=呃……谢谢? /// Uhh... thanks?

Banner/Description/BannerDFSecondBday=我们在过去的一年硕果累累。现在,是时候和大家分享丰收的果实了。 /// You could say we've had a banner year. Now, you can have one too.

Banner/Description/BannerOWDVa=只有具备超强反应力和多线操作技术的人才有资格入选MEKA驾驶员。至于个人品牌形象,那只是加分项。 /// MEKA pilots are recruited for their incredible dexterity and multi-tasking skills. Personal branding is just a plus.

Banner/Description/BannerOWDVaPolice=从另一个世界被吸引至此的旗帜。授予那些完成时空枢纽挑战的勇士。 /// A banner drawn into the Nexus from another world. Granted to those who overcome the Nexus's challenge.

Banner/Description/BannerOWDVaRare=宋哈娜的天赋成就了她在虚拟和真实战场上的双料世界冠军。 /// Hana Song's talent has made her a world champion on both digital battlefields and physical ones.

Banner/Description/BannerOWGenjiOni=邪鬼往往被看作是混乱和灾难的象征,而源氏只需要选择谁将受难。 /// The oni are often seen as symbols of chaos and disaster. Genji simply chooses who to inflict disaster upon.

Banner/Name/BannerDFSecondBday=两周年旗帜 /// 2nd Year Anniversary Banner

Banner/Name/BannerOWDVaIconic=经典D.Va旗帜 /// Iconic D.Va Banner


Banner/Name/BannerOWDVaIconicRare=经典D.Va战旗 /// Iconic D.Va Warbanner

Banner/Name/BannerOWDVaPolice=小女警D.Va旗帜 /// Officer D.Va Banner

Banner/Name/BannerOWDVaSimple=D.Va旗帜 /// D.Va Banner

Banner/Name/BannerOWDVaSimpleRare=D.Va战旗 /// D.Va Warbanner

Banner/Name/BannerOWGenjiOni=邪鬼源氏战旗 /// Oni Genji Warbanner

Mount/Info/HorseZebra=虽然斑马属于马科动物,但严格来说它们不是马。我的意思是...... /// While zebras are in the equid family, they're technically not horses. I'm just sayin'...

Mount/Info/MountNexagonOverwatch=守望先锋特工们的英勇铸就了一个全新的时空飞碟。尽管其他飞碟大多在战火中铸就,但这一款却象征着希望与理想。 /// The heroism and bravery of Overwatch's agents have coalesced into a new nexagon. While most are born of conflict, this one is branded with a symbol of hope and idealism.

Mount/Info/MountSpeederBikePolice=第一次巨型智械袭击之后,这些警用摩托从MEKA部队退役加入了KNPA。这些摩托是韩国速度最快的执法车辆,而这一辆据说曾是D.Va使用过的! /// Reassigned from MEKA to the KNPA after the first colossal omnic attack, these police bikes are the fastest law enforcement vehicles in Korea. This one was purportedly used by D.Va herself!

Mount/Name/HorseZebra=斑马 /// Zebra

Mount/Name/MountBannerKerriCheerVar5=2017风暴学霸冠军旗帜 /// Dorm 2017 Championship Banner

Reward/Description/2YearAnniversaryPortrait=感谢您和我们一起庆祝《风暴英雄》两周年纪念。请收下这份《风暴英雄》两周年纪念头像! /// Thank you for joining us during the celebration of Heroes of the Storm's second anniversary. Please accept this Heroes 2nd Anniversary Portrait in celebration of the event!

Reward/Description/2ndYearAnniversaryBannerLicense=解锁两周年纪念旗帜。 /// Unlocks 2nd Year Anniversary Banner.

Reward/Description/2ndYearAnniversarySprayLicense=解锁两周年纪念喷漆 /// Unlocks 2nd Anniversary Spray

Reward/Description/BannerDFSecondBday=解锁两周年纪念旗帜。 /// Unlocks 2nd Year Anniversary Banner.

Reward/Description/BannerOWDVaPolice=感谢你参加时空枢纽挑战2.0。请收下小女警D.Va旗帜,和我们一起庆祝吧! /// Thank you for participating in the Nexus Challenge 2.0. Please accept this Officer D.Va Banner in celebration of the event!

Reward/Description/BannerOWGenjiOni=解锁邪鬼源氏战旗。 /// Unlocks Oni Genji Warbanner.

Reward/Description/SprayStaticAnniversary2nd=解锁两周年纪念喷漆 /// Unlocks 2nd Anniversary Spray

Reward/DescriptionUnearned/BannerDFSecondBday=感谢您和我们一起庆祝《风暴英雄》两周年纪念。请收下这份《风暴英雄》两周年纪念旗帜! /// Thank you for joining us during the celebration of Heroes of the Storm's second anniversary. Please accept this Heroes 2nd Anniversary Banner in celebration of the event!

Reward/DescriptionUnearned/BannerOWGenjiOni=感谢你参加时空枢纽挑战2.0。请收下邪鬼源氏战旗,和我们一起庆祝吧! /// Thank you for participating in the Nexus Challenge 2.0. Please accept this Oni Genji Warbanner in celebration of the event!

Reward/DescriptionUnearned/HeroesSecondAnniversaryDaily=感谢您和我们一起庆祝《风暴英雄》两周年纪念。祝我们的游戏越来越红火!噢,别忘了拿上一块蛋糕! /// Thank you for joining us during the celebration of Heroes of the Storm's second anniversary. To many more years to come! Oh, and don't forget to grab a slice of cake!

Reward/Name/HeroesSecondAnniversaryDaily=《风暴英雄》两周年日常 /// Heroes Second Anniversary Daily

Reward/Name/HeroesSecondAnniversarySprayandBanner=《风暴英雄》两周年纪念 /// Heroes Second Anniversary




(原文来源:NGA 作者: 渣尔杜姆)

本文来源:风暴大厅 责任编辑:邹金珂_CMS7021
相关标签: 风暴英雄 PTR 数据挖掘 DVa